233-302-917440 / 233-244-756145 gym@youngdiplomatsghana.org

Samson Lardy Anyenini Esq.

Lawyer, and Head of Firm, A Partners@Law

Head of firm, Samson Lardy Anyenini, left a full-time staff job at Multimedia Group Limited’s Joy Fm, Ghana’s first private commercial radio station at the start of 2013 as News Editor to focus on law practice. That decision was easy to take due to the pile of cases he had to attend to which did not allow him the space to continue his hitherto active part-time law practice. He has since only hosted the flagship most listened to/watched weekend current affairs news analysis Newsfile program.

As a Broadcast Journalist, he was also a BBC correspondent reporting on a wide range of issues with emphasis on human rights cases. This explains his continues commitment to contributing to discussions on such cases and other governance and administrative matters on national media.

This commitment is evident in the observation by Prof. Stephen Offei, Dean of the KNUST Law Faculty thus; “bearing in mind your sound knowledge of the law, and your interest in constitutional matters and legal advocacy, we are confident you will be a fair and competent judge…”

This statement was contained in a letter inviting Samson to join the illustrious company of Supreme Court justices Dr. Justice S.K Date-Bah and Justice Anin Yeboah as well as senior Law Lecturer and GBA President Nene A.O. Amegatcher to be a judge in the maiden edition of Her Ladyship the Chief Justice Georgina T. Wood Moot Court Competition for all law faculties in Ghana.

Samson was previously with Osu-based Gaisie Zwennes Hughes & Co. He holds a Master of Laws in Alternative Dispute Resolution with practice focus on International Commercial and Investment Arbitration. He is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

He has consulted for and delivered special papers for professional institutions and special organizations including the Judicial Service of Ghana and the local chapter of global watchdog Ghana Integrity Initiative and Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, Ghana Centre for Democratic Development.

He was recently invited to serve on the Board of the International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network.